In this category you can find red dots sharing the same footprint as Holosun K series models.
That means that all red dots listed in this category will be working with mounts compatible with Holosun K-series footprint standard. And such are many.
Don't buy this from any other site...Optic Spot INCLUDES the pin set that you'll need to mount your optic, even the Beretta site does not include this. Was a PERFECT FIT and high quality!
Très bonne qualité, le prix est divisé par deux par rapport à la France, l'expédition est extrêmement rapide, commandé le mardi soir reçu le jeudi matin, imbattable !
Don't buy this from any other site...Optic Spot INCLUDES the pin set that you'll need to mount your optic, even the Beretta site does not include this. Was a PERFECT FIT and high quality!